Cancer is a complex disease, and therefore it requires a multi-pronged effort to provide the best chances of attaining a remission, cure or significant extension of life.
At the first appointment, the oncologist will discuss with you about treatment options. The doctor will explain which ones are available, how effective they are and what the side effects may be. Then he will recommend a treatment plan and a timeline in which this should take place. Your treatment program could include conventional as well as complementary, depending on the stage of cancer and type of cancer.
Your Oncologist will make it absolutely clear as to the rational and risk/ benefits of the individualized treatment. One of the aims of the therapies is to provide you with as much quality of life as possible.
One of the most important messages we give to all our patients is that healing is a responsibility that must be borne by the patient and the desire to heal must come from within.
This is the new era of personalized cancer care that for many produces outstanding results with reduced toxicity.