What Is Conventional, Complementary, Alternative And Integrative Cancer Treatment

What Is Conventional, Complementary, Alternative And Integrative Cancer Treatment

“Conventional treatments” are the standard medical treatments doctors (allopathic) use to treat illnesses. For cancer treatment, examples of these are surgery, radiotherapy, chemotherapy and hormonal and biological therapies.

Understanding Cancer And Prime Cause Of Cancer

Understanding Cancer And Prime Cause Of Cancer

This approach leads to a destructive forces being unleashed at cancer and the three main modalities are surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer

Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer

There are prime and secondary causes of diseases. For example, the prime cause of the plaque is the plaque bacillus, but secondary causes of the plaque are filth, rats, and the fleas that transfer the plaque bacillus from rats to man. By a prime cause of a disease I mean one that is found in every case of the disease.